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Centre for Penal Theory and Ethics

Institute of Criminology

Centre Visitors

The Centre welcomes academics with research interests in areas of the Centre’s work for research visits (usually of one or two months’ duration). Centre visitors will normally have a full-time academic appointment at another university. Most of the Centre’s visitors are connected to Centre projects or have prior research links with academics based at the Centre. The Centre may also accept other visitors who work in a field closely connected to its research interests. Visitors are not funded by the Centre.

Since 2016, the Centre has welcomed for longer visits Professor Andreas Kapardis of the University of Cyprus (working especially on sentencing), Professor José Maria Suarez Lopez, Professor of Criminal Law, Deputy Director of the Institute of Criminology, University of Granada, Spain (working on comparative criminal law and on the theoretical foundations of corporate criminal liability), Dr Ali Emrah Bozbayindir, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Turkey (working on pre-inchoate and preparatory offences), Dr Matt Gibson, Senior Lecturer at the University of Liverpool (working on criminal law and fair labelling), Professor Laura Pozuelo Perez, Universidad Autonoma Madrid (working on multiple offence sentencing), and Professor Jacobo Dopico Gomez-Aller, Universidad Autonoma Madrid (working on criminal law theory).

Visitors connected to Centre projects have included Professor Magnus Ulväng, Professor of Criminal Law, Uppsala University, Sweden (in connection with the Centre’s project on Criminal Law and the Authority of the State), and Professor Shachar Eldar, Professor of Criminal Law, Ono Academic College, Tel Aviv, Israel (in connection with the Centre’s project on Beccarian legacies). Other visitors have included Professor Nina Persak, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Ghent, Belgium (criminalisation theory), Dr Marc Engelhart, Referatsleiter Wirtschaftsstrafrecht at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht, Freiburg, Germany (economic crime), Professor Ezequiel Malarino, Professor of Criminal Law, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (apologies and criminal justice), Dr Sonja Meijer, Assistant Professor at Amsterdam University, Netherlands (collateral and post-release restrictions on ex-prisoners), and Professor Rob Canton, Professor of Community and Criminal Justice at De Montfort University, Leicester (philosophy of punishment, especially in relation to community sentences).

Law Faculty visitors who were associated with the Centre during their research stay have included Professor Yu-An Hsu, Taipeh University, Taiwan (working on criminalisation theory and on legal causation), Professor Kai Ambos, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany (working on European and international criminal law) and Professor Daniela Demko, Leipzig University (working on the philosophy of international criminal law).

Requests from prospective visitors are considered on a case-by-case basis and should in the first instance be sent to the Centre’s Director.  


International Links

Anglo-German Dialogues on Criminal Law and Criminal Justice

The Centre hosted the inaugural meeting in Cambridge in July 2016 of a research network initiated and run by Professor Kai Ambos of Göttingen University, the Anglo-German Dialogues on Criminal Law and Criminal Justice. It consists of approximately 25 academics and meets twice per year, alternating between locations in the UK and in Germany. A longer term objective is to create a handbook or encyclopaedia on core concepts in criminal law and criminal justice. Professor Bottoms acts as advisor to the project. Dr du Bois-Pedain is a contributing author, covering the topic of participation.

Further information on the project can be found on the project's web page here.